Email From a Retired 1101 Member

King Street Rally 02-03-2012. Click on the photo to view the photo gallery.

I am a retired member of CWA. I speak from my experience of 44 years with ATT, New York Tel, Bell Atlantic, Nynex and Verizon. I have other names for them now but I don’t want to use them.

I attended the King St. rally for our fired members and I was happy there were about 300 est. people there. With all due respect to our members and other unions and our speakers and leaders with more attending we might have had press coverage instead of just police coverage.

What is needed to wake up and wise up our members?? This will be the most important contract you will experience because it is a part of the total war on unionism across the country.

Sometimes sacrifices have to be made like saying NO!! to your manager in order to attend a rally.

The company watches what we do and they have many spies to report back to them if they feel we are divided in our efforts. They watch every vote and decisions we make for the same reason.

Instead of the dumb e-mails, take the time to write to our politicians and tell them to get off their asses and do the job they are paid to do. A little effort goes a long way. But if you don’t do anything, don’t expect anything.

Keep up the pressure and good work my CWA sisters and brothers…

Reach Elected Officials

Handbills from the Stewards meeting