CWA Bargaining Update

1105 Tape
CWA Bargaining Update
Monday March 26, 2012
A message from Keith Edwards….
Tape Number: 718-904-1105

Bargaining continued last week with your Regional Bargaining Team meeting on the Company’s call sharing proposal. We gave a counter proposal which gives the Company flexibility but demanded protections that that would eliminate surpluses, eliminate movement of work, guarantee out of hour tours and Holiday work. We also have demanded additional jobs in all lines of businesses involved with their Call Sharing proposal.

Hopefully all members have been following the news in reference to the Senate Judiciary Committee sub-committee on Anti Trust and Competition policy involving Verizon’s Spectrum deal with the Cable companies.

Senator Al Franken states “I am concerned, that these transactions will greatly impact how much consumers pay for their wireless phone, high speed internet and cable television services and I urge you to closely examine all of the terms and conditions of these deals”. These words were directed to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

As I have stated before all Verizon wants to do is cut all Union gains over the past 50 years and line their own pockets.

CEO Mc Adam is the greediest of all raising his salary to 23.1 million dollars a year that is $63,287.67 per day. YES PER DAY! That is 365 times more than the average employee, makes in a year. DISGRACEFUL!

Please keep in touch with this site or the tape on 718 904-1105 And Remember In Unity There is Strength!!!!!