Regional Bargaining Report # 36

Friday, August 19, 2011   10 PM

CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Local Committees met with the company today at the Rye Town Hilton in Rye, NY. The Union continued to talk about our issues and demanded that the company respond to our demands. The Company did respond by bringing in a “Subject Matter Expert” who discussed various aspects of our proposal and indicated that the company would take another look at some portions of our proposal. It was the first sign that anyone in the company was even listing to our demands. We are schedule to meet again with the Company’s “Subject Matter Expert” tomorrow. We also asked the company to bring in other “Subject Matter Experts” to discuss other areas of our proposals.

We reminded the company that this is the 13th day of the strike and that our members and their employees are demanding that we continue to bargain by addressing our proposals and not just the company’s proposals to reach a fair contract. The Company must continue to bring to the table those “Subject Matter Experts” who understand the union’s proposals and are able to address them.        

We will not allow VERIZON to destroy the Middle Class Stay Strong

Stay United Mobilize! – Mobilize! – Mobilize!