VZ Virtual Union Hall Bargaining Call

On Wednesday, July 27, CWA will host a virtual union hall meeting on Verizon East bargaining and mobilization.

We’ll hear from District Vice Presidents Chris Shelton and Ed Mooney, IBEW Local 827 President Bill Huber, and IBEW T-6 Chairman Myles Calvey on what’s happening at the table and how we’re fighting back.

RSVP now to join the call on Wednesday, July 27, at 7 PM EDT: Sign up for the call.

Verizon is on the attack and is gunning for almost every protection we have as union workers and retirees: Wage progression, overtime protections, pensions, health care, disability, sick leave, holidays, and much more.

Despite earning $19.5 billion in profits and paying out $258 million to its top 5 execs in the last 4 years, this company wants to gut the collective bargaining agreements we’ve negotiated over more than 60 years. We’re not going to let that happen.

Mobilization takes every one of us. Join the call on Wednesday at 7 PM EDT to hear what’s happening and what we need to win this fight.


In solidarity,

Larry Cohen

P.S. Get on the bus! If you haven’t signed up for transportation to the July 30th rally in New York City, contact your steward or local right away. There will be thousands of CWA and IBEW members from across the East region. You won’t want to miss this event!