CWA Continues To Expand Efforts To Cut Costs

1101 delegates at the 73rd CWA Convention. Click on the photo to view the photo gallery

by Claire Richter

Difficult economic times are calling for strong measures in both government & corporations throughout the country. The concept of shared-sacrifice has not only affected workers’ pay & benefits but also the Unions that represent them.  With a more diversified and shrinking membership, Unions are now combining officer posts as well as transferring funds to be more effective and efficient in their fight for workers rights.

The Communications Workers of America recently held its 73rd Convention in Las Vegas during which CWA delegates agreed to cut costs through a variety of measures. They removed one of the top three officer positions when Jeff Rechenback, the CWA Secretary-Treasurer, retired and the position of Vice President was eliminated. V.P. Annie Hill, was then elected to succeed Rechenback as the new Secretary-Treasurer and two regional vice president positions were combined.

Most important was an acknowledgement of the ever-shrinking membership and job losses felt by unions throughout America. To this end, CWA delegates voted for a more efficient use of dues that flow to the Strategic Industry Fund for specific projects. These funds will now go towards assisting Locals and the National to meet their daily expenses and will also result in each Local receiving an additional $20 per member for each of the next two years. 

Lastly, in a nod to advancements in technology and everyday communications, CWA conventions will be held every two years creating additional savings for its members. 

It is hoped that these measures will ease some of the financial strain being felt by Locals as well as the National and also streamline CWA in its future battles for workers rights and benefits for all its members.

Read more news about the CWA 73rd Convention by viewing the CWA newsletter below.
CWA Newsletter: Delegates Elect Hill as CWA Secretary-Treasurer; Third Term for Cohen