Wisconsin On Wall Street

We all watched with admiration and inspiration as the workers of Wisconsin showed us “what democracy looks like” at their state capitol in February. Their powerful demonstration of solidarity single-handedly changed the national debate. They put the Tea Party and their corporate sponsors on notice that working people will make their voices heard loud and clear.

But we’re not quite sure that everyone in New York got the message.

That’s why we need you to join us On May 12th.

The Big Banks crashed our economy, destroying jobs and foreclosing on millions of homes. Now, the federal, state, and city budgets are making more and more cuts in services to working families and the most vulnerable among us.

Spending for education- slashed! Spending for the elderly- slashed! Spending for people living with HIV/AIDS- slashed!

Yet the same Wall Street institutions that created this crisis in the first place continue to receive massive government subsidies
and pay next to nothing in taxes?! Thousands of teachers could be laid off, but CEOs will still get their bonuses?

Enough is enough.

We need to bring a little bit of Wisconsin to Wall Street. It’s time to show the politicians and CEOs that we won’t go down without a fight.

That’s why we’re supporting “On May 12th,” a huge coalition of community groups, unions and folks like you.  We’re taking to the streets of the Financial District to be heard as loudly and clearly as our friends in Madison were.

For this action to be successful, we need thousands of people to join us. Can we count on you?

YES – I’ll be there On May 12th. NO – I can’t make it but add my name in solidarity to the fight.

Wisconsin reminded us of a powerful lesson in organizing: our strength comes from our numbers. Our power is the power of solidarity. And only solidarity can turn this country around.

America should not and must not be a country where the game is rigged in favor of the wealthy. That’s not what America is about.

Will you join us On May 12th?http://action.workingfamiliesparty.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4055

Thanks for your support.

Dan Cantor
Executive Director, WFP

P.S. PLEASE like the “On May 12th” day of action on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/OnMay12