CWA’s Verizon Bargainers Focus on Health Care as Talks Near

Verizon bargaining team members from Districts 1, 2 and 13 met last week at CWA headquarters to prepare for negotiations.

CWA members of the Verizon bargaining committee from New York-New England (District 1) and the mid-Atlantic (Districts 2 and 13) met Friday for a daylong discussion on health care, gearing up for tough bargaining that will get underway at the end of June.

CWA Vice Presidents Ed Mooney, District 13, and Ron Collins District 2, and regional bargaining chairs Dennis Trainor and Gail Evans joined the discussion at CWA headquarters with bargaining committee members. CWA Research Director Louise Novotny and health care experts also made presentations.

The bargaining committee is also seeking input from members, through online surveys. District 1 Verizon members can complete the survey by clicking here