To Our Fellow Members

On December 14, 2010, ballots for the CWA Local 1101 By-Laws proposal were mailed to your homes. Every member in Local 1101 will be voting on this By-Law proposal. The Executive Board of Local 1101 recommends you vote YES to All the By-Law proposals.

This election is being conducted by the American Arbitration Association to ensure accuracy of the vote and the privacy of every member.

Every member who votes will receive a CWA Local 1101 shirt in appreciation of your union activism. The list of voters will be supplied by the American Arbitration Association after the results of the election are certified.

The entire membership needs to vote. The proposed by-law changes will structure the local to handle the needs of our diverse membership for the decade ahead. These long-overdue proposals will eliminate unnecessary positions on the executive board and add necessary representation at AT&T Mobility, Education and Health Care. These changes would put the local on a sound financial path and they do so without increasing our dues structure. 

The overwhelming majority of the Executive Board believes;

Fair and equal representation with a strong and financially secure local requires you to vote yes on all of the by-laws proposals.


The Need For Our By-Laws Change

“Every Member Counts in Local 1101″